Thursday, 21 June 2012

End of the Year

Alas we are just about at the end of another school year.  This will be my last at my current school.  In September, I will be at another school in the same school district.  I will also still be in the same program, but a lot closer to home (a 15 minute commute rather than 45 minutes to an hour each way).  I  have been in my current position for just over 6 years.  We have come a long way with the kids and the other staff at the school.  When I started, the other kids and some of the staff would cringe when the saw us coming - now they stand up proud and say HI.  When I started here we only attended some assemblies and only had bit parts - now we attend all of them and we also take our turn to share in the hosting.  This past year we went on two whole school field trips - to a sporting event and to a musical play.  It's been fun becoming more and more a part of the whole school community rather than just the strange kids at the end of the hall.  I look forward to working with a new group of kids and staff at my new school across town.

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