Thursday, 3 May 2012


It's been an interesting week for poop in our classroom.  Yesterday we cleared out the local pool.  One of my students who has only had 3 bowel movements at school in almost 5 years.  Yesterday he had one in the pool.  Fortunately for us, we were only about 10 minutes from getting out.  The pool staff, however, still had to close the pool and give it a good cleaning.  All of the students handled the rather abrupt and very much unexpected transition quite smoothly.  We had to give extra directions, but they went along with very little fuss.  Yeah!!!
This year I have only one student in pullups.  Today he had a BM in the toilet.  We give out great cheers for him and he beamed.  This is the first one he's had at school (except for one when his mother popped in).  He has also started peeing in the toilet.  At the beginning of the year, we did not think he would get even this far.
Hopefully the poop will all be in the toilet for the rest of the school year!


  1. I love your blogger name. I am also a SpEd teacher who views autism as a gift. My students with ASD have given more to me in my short time teaching than I could ever dream to give back. I'd love for you to stop by my blog and check it out. I think we have a lot in common!

    On a post related note, during college I worked at a summer camp for kids with special needs and I can assure you that at least once per week one of the campers pooped in the pool!! Something about that water just really helped them relax! It's funny how much our lives in special ed can revolve around the bathroom!

  2. Thanks for your comment. I've added your blog to my reading list.

    One of our other big excitements this past month has also revolved around poop. One student who we didn't think would ever use the toilet properly again (after a couple of major regressions) has pooped in the toilet at school at least once per week for over a month now. He's also used toilets at home, gas stations, the hospital, friends' houses. It will make his life so much easier once he gets consistent again about using the toilet!
