Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Christmas Concert / Movie Premiere

We premiered our movie today during the school Christmas carolling assembly.  We showed it in front of the entire school and invited all of the parents of our students.  It was very well received.  All of our students had a part in the film.  The two most verbal students narrated the film while the rest acted out the story.  The parents were very excited to see their children in this context.  We had rave reviews from the other teachers in the school and many requests for more films.  The kids worked hard on it and had a lot of fun.  It really helped build understanding and understanding with the rest of the school. 

The rest of the day was devoted to Christmas crafts and parties.  We were totally off routine, but it worked out really well.  As one of the Aides said "it was crazy but good".   We've been working on flexibility and acceptance of change.  Overall it was a great day and lots of fun. 

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Sharing assembly

The grade one classes hosted a sharing assembly yesterday.  Our classes had the opportunity to present a short introductory movie about our students.  We focussed on what made our students similar to the rest of the school.  The first section was things we liked at school (computers, trips, gym, assemblies).  The second section was about how we learn (by reading, writing, watching, doing, touching; alone, with help, with friends). The last section was about sensory needs.  It was very well received.  While it was playing, all students watched intently and many glanced over at our classes.  I've sent a link to the other teachers so that they can show the movie again in their classes to generate some discussion.